5 May 2010

Discuss what the future blog will look like?

• more professional looking: cleaned, organized, free from grammatical errors, misspellings establish/maintain credibility, readers sloppiness = inaccuracy
• more links such as internal and external
• more pictures to make it more interesting
• layout nice and simple
• colors: not too many colors, colors that are not very bright, have whiten spaces
• background a color one not a image

• font is times new roman default font because got used to using it for university assignment, Ariel makes text look bigger and the look that there is a lot of text
• logo: a small one but mainly not necessary
• tags makes it easier to search
• Application on it y? more convenient to find certain information such as the weather more easier
• cursor with an image or animation
• Labels: topics/categories are made to describe your blog posts

The future blog will be more professional looking so it can be cleaned and organized without any clutter, free from grammatical errors as sloppiness can lose your credibility. The information in the blog readers won't believe what the blog contains. More links that are linked internal and external the website to provide further information and acknowledge where the source came from and who wrote it. So users can see research more about the subject discussed in the blog post. The internal links will be there so it can provide easy access to other pages in the blog.

There should be a lot of pictures to make it more interesting as pictures can convey many messages that each user can interpret in their own way. The layout should be nice and simple another reason why the blog should be professional looking so it will become user friendly as the user may become frustrated trying to find where things can be found and may not come back to the blog. A few simple designs as well as simple background and not an image as it can become very hard to read the text. The color of the font is very important it should be easy to read and a contrast with the background color if not it can become very hard for users to read the blog. There should be some white spaces in the background so it remains simple looking blog and look more professional.

The font can be times new roman, Ariel and comic sans ms firstly times new roman is a font that is widely used in the assignments at university level. Secondly Ariel is used so it’s easier so on the eyes as it makes the text looks bigger and the paragraph look bigger without having a lot of content. Thirdly the reason for the use of comic sans ms because of personal preference as it looks cute and easy on the eyes. The text in the blog post should be one and half spacing for easy reading and white space for the eyes having to strain to read the text if one particular blog post is quite long in length.

A logo which easily identifies the blog from the other blogs and it will be small also it will be something that it is not necessary but it can make the blog look nicer. After each blog post have labels and/ tags which one is applicable this has to be key words or subject names that are going to be discussed in the blog post. This can help users to find the relevant blog post more quickly without having to look through all the blog post page by page. Allocate space for application such as the weather for easy access to information without having to go to another page.

Applications on the blog can make the blog more interesting as there are many types of application for example little games that have be relevant to the blogs subject. The cursor is an image or animation that is relevant to the blogs overall topic or whether that is of interest.

Storyboard: On how the future blog will look like.

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